4 Types of Cover To Include In Thatched Pub Insurance

Country pubs are often the heart of their local communities, providing a communal space in historic buildings that add charm to the experience building friendships between residents. A thatched pub is a great example of this, but it is not exempt from needing a comprehensive commercial insurance policy. As well as bespoke thatch insurance, pub owners will also need to ensure that they have public liability and other business covers to protect them and their staff. We have set out a guide for some of the most important types of cover to include in your thatched pub insurance.
1) Public Liability
For any commercial space, public liability insurance is vital to protecting the business and you as an owner. Pubs are particularly prevalent for accidents due to the nature of the product, for example, drinks being spilt can easily create a hazard. Thatched pub insurance policies benefit from public liability cover because they cover everything from an injury on the grounds to claims caused by something you sell. When you are discussing your cover with a chartered insurance broker, it is worth going over every feature of your property in case there is something that may need to be accounted for by the provider. For example, a playground on-site could cause injuries and may need extra cover.
2) Employer's Liability
If you are a business owner, employer’s liability insurance is a legal requirement. Whether you sub-contract staff or employ people full time, you need to protect your business. If your property and equipment aren’t maintained frequently, accidents can occur and in turn, your employees can make a claim against you. This type of cover will also protect you from employees suing due to unfair dismissal. Commercial insurance policies will normally include this, but you must check before signing off a cover.
3) Business interruption
The last few years have been turbulent for businesses in all sectors, which is why business interruption can help protect you against loss of income. This is particularly useful if you require a thatched property insurance policy as well. Thatched properties can be more prone to damage or fires, which would put your pub out of action for a short time whilst you have repairs. Speaking to a specialist broker can ensure that your business interruption cover is actioned quickly if needed and that you aren’t closed for prolonged periods.
4) Thatch insurance
As well as covering the commercial aspects of your business, you will also need to cover the building itself. Unlike a standard pub, your thatched property will require other considerations to keep it safe and a specialist thatch insurance policy that factors in potential risks. When finding this kind of cover, it is best to talk to a specialist insurance broker like Higos. Not only will they have access to a variety of insurance options, but they will also be able to give you advice so that you don’t end up being underinsured.
If you need a bespoke thatched pub insurance policy, speak to our specialist team at Higos. From public liability to thatched roof insurance, we will ensure that every aspect of your business is covered.