Higos COVID 19 & Business Continuity Plan Client Update!

Higos Coronavirus Business Continuity Plan Client Update!
As the COVID-19 situation develops, we want to reassure our clients that Higos has deployed business continuity plans to minimise the impact on the wellbeing of our staff, Clients and their families whilst continuing to deliver a high-level of service to our customers.
To this end we are implementing a model which will enable our staff to work from home where required whilst maintaining our service levels for all Clients.
We are following the government guidelines and would like to reassure our customers that our 13 branches are open, but respectfully ask our clients to preferably call or email your local branch rather than to visit in person at this time.
We are here to answer any questions you might have about the cover on your policy, especially for commercial business and personal travel policies.
For contact information for your local branch visit our branch finder https://www.higos.co.uk/contact-us/
This is an unprecedented situation, and we will continue to closely monitor and comply with Government and Regulatory advice (whilst implementing our capacity for staff to work from home) and endeavour to ensure that we continue to provide a normal service in the event that staff become ill or need to self-isolate.
We will keep you up to date as things change and in the meantime for all of our staff and clients to stay as safe as possible.