Environmental Responsibility

At Higos, we don’t just offer exceptional service and products we also want to do our bit to protect the future of our environment. We're working together to be more environmentally friendly by reducing our carbon footprint and achieve net zero status.

Our Environmental Commitment

Over the last twelve months, we've pulled together a team of Eco Warriors who are reviewing our current carbon footprint and ways that we can work together to reduce it. Some of our initial changes are:

  • We've implemented recycling bins in all of our offices and will have switched to LED bulbs in all our branch office by the end of 2023
  • We have reduced our consumption of energy, plastic, paper and started a “switch it off” campaign
  • We've changed our strategy on consumables and where possible utilise any Eco options when purchasing stationery, consumables and merchandise we share with our customers
  • We've moved to an Eco friendly paper for all our documentation produced, with a desire to reduce our printing by 50% by encouraging emails for customers documentation rather than post

Environmental Days

We're promoting environmental days where staff can collectively support local initiatives to help the environment such as Beach Cleans or Great British Tidy Up. This is just the tip of the iceberg in our quest to be more environmentally friendly. Our Eco team will continue to implement change to ensure we reduce our carbon footprint.

Treefo – Our customer reviews will help plant a tree!

At Higos, we’re excited to be using Feefo, the world’s largest verified reviews provider to fund tree-planting projects in return for honest customer reviews.  Feefo have launched a new sustainability feature – Treefo, so for every time our customers leave a review for Higos we will help fund the planting of a tree.