How Travelling In The EU On Or After The 1st January 2021 May Impact Your Travel Insurance.

Higos Brexit Travel Insurance News
Given the current travel restrictions, whilst travelling abroad may seem like a wishful thought it is important to note that on the 31st of January 2020 the UK formally left the European Union (EU) and entered a transition period which ends on the 31st December 2020.
If your planning to travel in the EU on or after this date you may no longer have access to free emergency medical insurance from the 1st January 2021 within the EU and without travel Insurance you could be charged for your healthcare needs.
Contact us in advance of your travel date by contacting your local branch using our branch finder. where we will be happy to discuss any queries you may have on your travel needs.
Or view our travel page. Visit https: //
Full and current details on such changes can also be found at
We will continue to update you as and when things change.
For all your travels, it has to be Higos.