3 Tips for Protecting Your High-Value Property

Interior door handle with locking system

Insuring a high-value property can be daunting. It can be difficult to know what to insure and how. After all, the more your property’s worth, the more complex your insurance needs. But, as with any asset, your premiums could be reduced by protecting your home in other ways.

Just as you could lower your car insurance premium by installing alarm systems and parking in more secure areas, you can safeguard your home and its contents from things like fire, damage, and theft. These are ways you can protect your assets and lower your high value home insurance premium…

1.       Security Systems

One of the most effective ways to protect your high-value home from unwanted visitors is by installing a security system of some sort. Burglary alarms, for example, are a common and cost-effective way to deter intruders.

CCTV and other camera-based home security measures like Ring doorbells can also act as deterrents for anyone looking to gain access to your home.

Installing gates or fences around your property can also help reduce your high value property insurance.  Always make sure to fix any gaps or breaks in a fence, for example after a storm, to ensure your home is being kept as safe as possible. Also, that any side gates or other access points are kept locked at all times when not in use.

2.       Make Your Home Look Occupied

If you leave your property unoccupied for an extended period of time, for example on holiday, it’s worth putting some measures in place to make the property look occupied, even though it isn’t.

This tip can also be useful for those with second or holiday homes, particularly those that are unoccupied for extended periods throughout the year.

Using a timer switch for lights throughout the property, both inside and out, can help create the sense that someone is there. The same goes for timers for radios or televisions.

Having a neighbour or friend you can trust visit the property while you’re away can also allude to a property being occupied. Have them open and close blinds throughout the day where possible or turn on some lights in the evenings.

However, if leaving your property for a time, make sure not to leave windows open. Particularly on the ground floor or on floors with flat roofs beneath, open windows are one of the most common ways for intruders to gain access.

3.       Get Tailored Advice from a Chartered Insurance Broker

No matter how hard we try, we can’t always prepare for every eventuality. If the worst happens, you need to know that your home is protected with tailored, high-value property insurance. Then, even if the unexpected were to happen, you could rest assured that your assets are in safe hands. With a chartered insurance broker, you can be sure to receive the highest quality advice backed by industry-standard practice.

High-value homes require a bespoke form of personal insurance, because standard home and contents policies won't protect their most valuable features. At Higos we understand that your home is where you deserve to feel safe. That’s why our bespoke high-value home insurance aims to provide you with the best cover and the best service. Contact us today to find out more about how we can help protect your home.

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